'nik ahn'에 해당되는 글 27

  1. 2011.01.18 전시회 와주셨던 분들 중 작품 받으실 분!! 발표~
  2. 2011.01.15 I like Bibimbop!
  3. 2011.01.03 Message to Michael
  4. 2011.01.03 Happy New Year~ Earth...Korea..This World.
  5. 2010.12.02 His Face..
  6. 2010.11.18 MoonWalker - 24.12.1988. Opening in Seoul Korea
  7. 2010.11.08 Breaking News

전시회 와주셨던 분들 중 작품 받으실 분!! 발표~

지난 연말에 제 작품전에 와주셨던 분들 모두 감사드립니다.


메모에 적혀진 많은 글들을 보면 가슴이 뭉클합니다.


제가 초대 하기 전에 약속드린게 있답니다.


오신 분들께 제가 만든 미니어쳐를 추첨하여 드리겠다구요~


메모들을 한데 보니 모든 글들이 감동적이라 고를 수 가 없었네요.


그래서 나름 결정한건 메모 글에 메일주소나 닉네임, 성함을 적어주신 분들께 드릴까 합니다.



1. 세희님


2. tsukkihi님


3. jane님


4. 송혜선님


5. 쵸코슈님


6. 에이블스마일님


7. ssun님


8. 하얀전갈님


9. irone님


10. KNH님


11. h**ho1004님


12. sweet님


13.  ppik0319님


14. C**ky1900님


15. HANS님


이상 15분이시네요.



작품은 라이트 골드와 다크 골드가 있습니다.


작은 구(지구? 달?) 위에 토스탠드를 하고 있는 모형입니다.


랜덤 포장하여 드릴꺼구요.


22일 단체 관람에 제가 가게 되어 만나뵌다면 직접 드리면 좋겠지요?

단관에서 받으시고 싶으신 분들도 제게 쪽지를 주시구요. 그러지 못할 경우도 제게 주소를 적어 쪽지를 주세요 개별 발송해드릴께요~





감기 조심하세요. 저는 전시 끝나고 이상하게도 감기가 오래 왔다 갑니다.


그럼 좋은 하루 되세요


'LALALA' 카테고리의 다른 글

Flowers  (0) 2011.02.03
You are the only King of Pop.  (0) 2011.01.21
I like Bibimbop!  (0) 2011.01.15
Message to Michael  (0) 2011.01.03
Happy New Year~ Earth...Korea..This World.  (0) 2011.01.03

I like Bibimbop!

Michael Jackson With Dinner..

Made By NIK.

Height  60mm

Message to Michael

Michael Jackson Figure With Earth..

Made By NIK.

Height  65mm

Diameter 140mm

Message to Michael

마이클을 사랑하고 기억하는 많은 분들이 남겨주신 메세지입니다.

M J forever!!

M J forever!!

Always absolute stunning! I love you and I like Nik Style

Always absolute stunning! I love you and I like Nik Style

Sing and Dance in heaven

Sing and Dance in heaven

Awesome! I'm sorry that can't take any picture of it. I love you Michael Jackong! Forever!

Awesome! I'm sorry that can't take any picture of it. I love you Michael Jackon! Forever!

Look at me! I lvoe you more!

Look at me! I lvoe you more!

I'm happy only your existence.

I'm happy only your existence.

I'm the lucky person that I loved you. I miss you.

I'm the lucky person that I loved you. I miss you.

I feel sorry that you are known finally. I'll become a person who can share dream and hope like you. Sehee.

I feel sorry that you are known finally. I'll become a person who can share dream and hope like you. Sehee.

Michael Jackson. I always love and admire you. Be with us.

Michael Jackson. I always love and admire you. Be with us.



I didin't know well. It was incredible !

I didin't know well. It was incredible !

See you in heaven! Song hye sun

See you in heaven! Song hye sun

King of POP Michael Forever! I love you.  Jane

King of POP Michael Forever! I love you. Jane

King of POP Michael Jackson. Shining name even his death!

King of POP Michael Jackson. Shining name even his death!

King of POP Michael Jackson Forever! I love you more Hold my hand! Tsukkihi

King of POP Michael Jackson Forever! I love you more Hold my hand! Tsukkihi

Michael! I have same initial MJ  like you so we have same destiny. I'm greatful that give us smile and happy to all of our family and world. I love you Michael! You are mine!

Michael! I have same initial MJ like you so we have same destiny. I'm greatful that give us smile and happy to all of our family and world. I love you Michael! You are mine!

I love you. See you in Heaven. 'Michael' album is the best!

I love you. See you in Heaven. 'Michael' album is the best!

King of POP Michael Jackson. I love you

King of POP Michael Jackson. I love you

Michael! I miss you. you are my hero forever! Jin

Michael! I miss you. you are my hero forever! Jin

 I love you Michael Jackson.

I love you Michael Jackson.

One & only King of POP. You are genius and share love for mankind.

One & only King of POP. You are genius and share love for mankind.

Heal the world  - sweet

Heal the world - sweet

Michael Jackson was a lot of meaning to us when I see his miniature.

Michael Jackson was a lot of meaning to us when I see his miniature.

His soul will be forever even his body is dead. Micheal Jackson!

His soul will be forever even his body is dead. Micheal Jackson!

It was too late to know that your precious sweat was deeply moved people. Still there's many people remember you.

It was too late to know that your precious sweat was deeply moved people. Still there's many people remember you.

                                    2010 서울인형전

                                 닉의 작은 조형물 만들기 첫번째 프로젝트 - 팝의 황제에게 바칩니다.

                                                                          전시회에 와주신 많은 분들 정말 감사드립니다.

                                                                                           이렇게 메세지 전한걸 하늘에서 지켜보았겠지요?

                                         마이클 분명! 기뻐했을꺼예요.

모두 행복한 2011되시길 바랍니다. NIK.

Michal I love you. I learned many things from you. I am very happy to have a exhibition of you.

Michal I love you. I learned many things from you. I am very happy to have a exhibition of you.

Happy New Year~ Earth...Korea..This World.

Michael Jackson Figure With Earth..

Made By NIK.

Height  65mm

Diameter 140mm

'LALALA' 카테고리의 다른 글

I like Bibimbop!  (0) 2011.01.15
Message to Michael  (0) 2011.01.03
인형으로 되살아난 '마이클잭슨'  (0) 2010.12.27
Roel Van Velzen in ARMIN ONLY MIRAGE 2010  (0) 2010.11.21
In The Closet  (0) 2010.11.09

His Face..

Progressing 80%..

MoonWalker - 24.12.1988. Opening in Seoul Korea

When I was younger..........

'ZIZIC' 카테고리의 다른 글

KOREA POST 늑장대응  (0) 2012.01.27
I Hate ULTRARIGHT /// MJ - They Don't Care About Us  (0) 2011.07.27
My Tribute 2 President Roh.  (0) 2011.06.22
Abort! Development of Nuclear Power Plant  (0) 2011.03.30
Work @ China /2006. 09 ~ 2006. 12  (0) 2011.02.17

Breaking News

이건 가짜........!

Real?   or   Fake?
I think the fake! = Jason Malachi